I am Ms Ritu Bhatia Kler, I run an interior design firm. I got Shani’s  reference from my cousin who was practising yoga with you. While I was doing yoga earlier but had taken a break for a year so wished to restart and improve my health. I have being doing yoga for over 5 years. Tried different types but was not fully satisfied. As I was struggling with weight gain and back issues. I first experienced your yin yoga class and also felt a positive energy from you and the yoga space where you teach . When I started the classes I enjoyed the type of yoga she teaches and the variety she brings to the class and ending with meditation and prayer

I was apprehensive that I was unfit and may not be able to cope since it was a group class but she ensured that I could do to the extent possible and encouraged me and also worked on my back issues . I felt better after a few classes and also felt better health wise. The classes have helped immensely in my health and I am now able to stretch more and my body is more flexible. I am able to do poses and stretches like never before in my life. I am more confident with doing more yoga poses and also feeling more fit.

 I never thought my body would be able to stretch /be flexible /bend to the extent that it can now and I am confident to try to the next level (with assistance)

I have been attending for almost three years now and I like the variety in Shani’s classes and her concern and knowledge of each student. Her knowledge of yoga and the body is also very impressive. I have been recommending it to friends and I think she is doing great!