Hi I’m Preethi and I’m a mother of twin girls 11 years old currently living in Dubai. I used to be a banker and have been working in schools in UK.

Post my delivery for twins, I was not on the overweight side but my health declined as I gave the least priority to it. I started having acute wrist tendinitis which I initially didn’t bother when it started giving me occasional pains. When the severity increased, I felt almost disabled with just 2-3 year old toddlers. Forget about looking after kids, I actually couldn’t even hold a mug, can’t lift or move or have a decent shower. Doctors suggested my pain can get better only with steroids injection but can’t be eliminated totally.

That’s when I started my journey with yoga. I got more serious with yoga when I started realising my pain was getting better with warm ups and stretches. It felt very promising to me and since then there is no looking back. 

During covid lock down times, I saw Shani’s profile in Instagram and was following her for a while. I felt I needed to improve more on my fitness under some guidance and joined her a year back.

I have always read and heard people saying yoga is just not physical but more to do with mental strength which I have never experienced till I joined with Shani. Her very well curated class with all stretches and precise instructions on how to do the postures really helped me up with my practice. Before I joined Shani I used to feel disheartened when i am not able to do some poses which seemed so easy for others. When I joined Shani, she broke all the mental barriers, she made me comfortable with my body, how to take it easy, to be grateful for whatever little I could do that day. Honestly that mindset only helped me excel a bit more with my practice. With my hands I never thought I could hold a plank for long , or do chakrasana because my arm strength was literally zero. Now the transformation I have gone from nowhere to here is only with consistency and patience which Shani taught me in her practice..
more than my physical change, I’m so so grateful for the person I’m now. With the strong breath work that she emphasises on every hard pose, she reminds us how to stay calm in any situation we are put through. She made me realise how awareness in me and my body will help better not only with the pose but also to be in the present moment. Last but not least she would end up saying let us be grateful to the body and let go of everything that’s happened which really helped me cope so much in my personal life situations too.
I’m so grateful for all the physical changes Yoga got me which I think any form of physical activity will give that. But the emotional, mental strength, peace within me, to be stable at any situation is something I think yoga only can give which is why they say yoga is a form of life. I really owe these changes in me to Shani.

Thank you Shani from the bottom of my heart for these transformations I’m going through. I feel every relation I meet is meant to be and you are one such. I’m so grateful to the almighty and the universe for having met you at the right time in my life.